How might we use google apps and web2.0 tools?

Friday, April 30, 2010


Hi all. Videos are easily added to a blog by choosing the little film strip icon when adding a new post. I've put an example on of Lizzy explaining the 'doubling and halving' multiplication strategy for maths. It was taken on a normal digital camera and saved on my computer before adding. :-)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogger Design

Check out these links. They have up to date guidelines on how to create and amend your blog design and lots of new templates.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I've been playing with the Marvin tool. It's quite fun. Does anyone know how to get a Marvin video you've made onto a blog?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Promote your Blog

1. Visit other blogs, sign up to follow or leave comments. It is blogging manners to reciprocate visits and comments.

2. Add labels to your blogs. For instance if you label something with John Key there is a good chance it will be read by someone in his office.

3. Put links on your twitter, facebook, myspace etc pages

4. Set up RSS feeds. Details at

5. Sign up to promotion websites. NZ ones are:

6. Make links to education websites which will promote your blog:

Hints and tips for Blogging

Things that I have found useful in my blogging journey.

This blog gives updates on the Blogger Template Designer and Blogger Draft, both of which will make it easier to customise your blog.

For a good visitor list use this website. Be careful how you sign up as the categories you choose will dictate the type of site your vistors will be linked to from your blog.

For great and easy slide shows use this site.

Free surveys and quizzes.

To add other gadgets with embed codes follow these instructions:
1. customize
2. add gadget
3. HTML/Java Script (Click on the plus sign)
4. Paste embed code